noise dampening

The Role of Springs in Motion Furniture

In the world of motion furniture, the unsung heroes are the components hidden beneath the upholstery. Springs play a crucial role in the functions of motion furniture products such as recliners, sofas, sleeper sofas, and loveseats.

Enhancing comfort: Springs help ensure smooth and efficient movement, enhancing the overall experience for users as well as contribute to the longevity of the furniture. By strategically connecting springs to the furniture’s mechanism, the force to engage a footrest or to recline is reduced

Why choose Southern Precision Spring: When it comes to motion furniture springs, the manufacturer plays a crucial role. Southern Precision Spring stands out as a preferred choice for those seeking excellence in motion furniture components. With our extensive expertise and manufacturing capabilities, we are well-equipped to support product development in this industry.

How we can help:

  • Design collaboration

  • Prototyping

  • Cycle Testing

  • Troubleshoot spring related issues in the field

  • Reverse engineering

When considering your next motion furniture project, entrust Southern Precision Spring for springs that elevate comfort to new heights. Your clients will thank you for it.

Recliner Extension Spring

Spring is used to assist the user during opening and closing of the footrest.